5 Key Challenges in Resin Infusion:
Air Entrapment and Voids:
Air bubbles trapped during the resin infusion process can lead to weak spots and structural failures in wind blades.
Inconsistent Resin Flow:
Achieving uniform resin distribution throughout the wind blade mold can be difficult, leading to areas with insufficient or excess resin.
Temperature Control:
Maintaining optimal temperature during resin infusion is crucial for proper curing and bonding of the materials.
Material Waste:
Excess resin and other materials often go to waste, increasing production costs and environmental impact.
Process Reliability:
Ensuring a reliable and repeatable process is critical to producing consistently high-quality wind blades.
At Twin Engineers, we understand these challenges and have developed innovative solutions to address them. Starting from advanced degasser, with direct infusion, remotely controlled and monitored resin infusion machines, to 100% process traceability, our solutions guarantee infusion with zero errors.
Some of the world’s largest wind blade manufacturers rely on Twin’s resin infusion technology.