Meter Mix Dispensing Machines for Atmospheric Potting
for Sensors, ECUs, PCBs, LEDs, and many more..
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Trickle Varnish Impregnation Plants
for Hub Motor, BSG, IPM BLDC, Synchronous Motor

Precision potting at every scale
Total solution for PU, Epoxy and Silicone dispensing with automation

Fully Automatic Vacuum Potting
Tank Capacity
35 L | 60 L |100 L
Flow Rate
0.5 g/sec to 1kg/min
Vacuum Level
up to 5 mBar

Semi Automatic Vacuum Potting
Tank Capacity
35 L | 60 L | 100 L
Flow Rate
0.5 g/sec to 1kg/min
Vaccum Level
up to 5 mBar
Get 100% Traceability and zero rejections in vacuum potting. Achieve high volume production with minimal labour.
Twin’s Extensive Range of Vacuum Potting and Degassing Machines are the first choice for customers owing to complete automation for single/multi-stage Vacuum Potting. The vacuum potting enables high-volume production without any manual intervention and with minimal labor for processes using Epoxy and PU. The range of automation options help to produce components in batches with accurate control over vacuum and 100% traceability.
Benefit from Twin's advanced mixing and dispensing technology

100% Bubble Free Potting

Variable Ratio Systems

Processing materials with wide range of viscosities

IoT for data management and preventive maintenance

Available with a range of Vacuum Chambers

Operator friendly, and programmable process recipes

Easy cleaning and maintenance

24 X 7 Service Support

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Gaining Competitive Advantage with Innovative Automation
April 12, 2024
How two large Electronic Component
Choose your machine with our Expert

Sanchita Bhalwankar
Expert in Potting Processes
- +91 99755 49703